Our minister
On 1st January 2022 we welcomed Reverend Abi Elliott-McGuffie as our minister. This appointment is an exciting time for both the congregation and minister as we build on our relationship and continue to serve our wider community.
Reverend Abi has been a member of Bury Unitarian Church for the past seven years and was ordained a OneSpirit Interfaith Minister in 2021. She brings together our Unitarian principles, and an understanding and appreciation for the diversity of religious expression.
Our church on Clover Street has been part of the community for nearly 50 years in which time it has seen many changes (the first chapel there was dedicated in 1818). Change is part of everyday experience, although not all of it is easy or welcomed. We at Rochdale Unitarians seek to be a welcoming and accepting environment for all, supporting the navigation of change as we walk through life. Whatever faith you identify with, whether your path is a spiritual one, or you simply need a place of sanctuary, a place to be, you are welcome. All are welcome.
Contact details
Email: reverendabi@gmail.com
Or use the contact form below to send a email to Abi.